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Notes for Maintainers

This section clarifies how to maintain the project.

Update Dependencies

  1. Enter your virtual environment. E.g.

    source .tox/py311/bin/activate
  2. Install all dependencies:

    pip install --upgrade -r -r -r pip-tools
  3. Fix the dependencies:

    rm *requirements.txt
    pip-compile --output-file=requirements.txt
    pip-compile --output-file=test-requirements.txt
    pip-compile --output-file=docs-requirements.txt
  4. Create a branch, commit:

    git branch -d update
    git checkout -b update
    git add *requirements.txt
    git commit -m"Update dependencies"
    git push -u origin update
  5. Create a Pull Request and see if the tests run.

Release a new Version

To release a new version:

  1. Edit the docs/ file in the Changelog Section and add the changes.

    git add docs/
    git commit -m"log changes"
    git push
  2. Create a tag for the version.

    git tag v1.30
    git push origin v1.30
  3. Notify issues and pull requests about the release.