콘텐츠로 이동


일반적으로 오픈 웹 캘린더는 제한 없이 사용할 수 있습니다. 이 API를 사용하여 캘린더를 즉석에서 사용자 지정할 수 있습니다.

이 섹션은 다음 중 하나에 해당하는 경우에 유용할 수 있습니다:

  • 귀하는 오픈 웹 캘린더를 임베드하려는 웹 개발자입니다.
  • 구성 페이지에 노출된 내용뿐만 아니라 모든 유연성을 활용하고 싶을 것입니다.
  • JavaScript를 사용하여 캘린더 디자인 및 옵션을 동적으로 생성하려고 합니다.
  • You want to extend the functionality of the Open Web Calendar.
  • You want to use the Open Web Calendar as a proxy to request JSON events for your self-made event feed.


The basic parameters are the same at these endpoints:

  • /index.html - edit the calendar
  • /about.html - view the about page
  • /calendar.html - view the calendar
  • /calendar.spec - download the specification
  • /calendar.ics - subscribe to the ics file
  • /calendar.events.json - FLEXIBLE - get the events as JSON Please note that you CAN use this but you cannot be sure that the JSON schema remains the same. If you want that, add tests.

Additional parameters are required for /calendar.events.json:

  • timezone=UTC - the timezone that you need to display the events in
  • from=YYYY-MM-DD - the start of the period in which events happen (inclusive)
  • to=YYYY-MM-DD - the end of the period in which events happen (exclusive)


All configuration parameters are described sufficiently in the default_specification. That is the reference. E.g. if you find the parameter title in the default_specification, you have several options:

Change the title in a query parameter:


Change the title in a YAML specification:

title: calendar

Change the title in a JSON specification:

  "title": "calendar"

Compiling the Specification

You can change the calendar behavior and looks with parameters. If the same parameter is specified in different places, the earlier place listed below has the highest precedence. These are the places to specify parameters:

Query parameters

All parameters to the calendar url are put into the specification. The query parameters have the highest precedence.




If you specify this query parameter, the editor configuration is loaded from this url, too. Query parameters are still more important than what is written in this file. The source format can be YAML or JSON.




This is intended for developers and Python-internal.

from open_web_calendar.app import DEFAULT_SPECIFICATION
DEFAULT_SPECIFICATION['title'] = 'calendar'


This is an optional environment variable. Please read more about it in the Server Configuration.


This file contains the default parameters. They must not be hard-coded in the source code. All parameters are listed and documented there so this file can be used for reference. Do not modify this file, instead use the OWC_SPECIFICATION environment variable.

Adding Parameters

If you add a new parameter as a developer:

Specification in the Calendar

app.py compiles the specification from the given parameters in get_specification(). In the template you can access the specification through the specification variable. The specification is available to JavaScript as the specification variable.


Specification in the Index Page

The default specification is available before the calendar is built via JavaScript in the configuration.default_specification variable. There is a getSpecification() function which created the specification from the inputs. Generally, the specification variable should be used.


Below, you can find a picture of the architecture.


The base of a calendar is the specification, given in the various forms. This specification influences all the steps.

After the specification is compiled, the calendar (ics) files are downloaded from the locations on the Internet.

From the calendar files, the events are generated.

Then, different views are chosen to display the events.

In the end, these lead to HTML and style changes of the calendar website.

In the real application, these steps are bit bit mixed up and unordered or omitted but this explains simply the basic, initial idea behind the event processing.