We have prepared a variety of different styles so you can edit them to your needs. For each style, you can edit the calendar and shape it as you need it. If you are inspired, you can also just head over and start from scratch.
Jesi li ponosan/na na svoj kalendar? Dijeli ga ovdje!
Višebrojni kalendari¶
Možeš ugraditi nekoliko kalendara u jedan prikaz. U ovom primjeru prikazujemo različite prostorije u jednom uredu.
"css": ".CALENDAR-INDEX-0, .CALENDAR-INDEX-0 .dhx_body, .CALENDAR-INDEX-0 .dhx_title { background-color: #77767b; } .CALENDAR-INDEX-1, .CALENDAR-INDEX-1 .dhx_body, .CALENDAR-INDEX-1 .dhx_title { background-color: #f9f06b; } .CALENDAR-INDEX-2, .CALENDAR-INDEX-2 .dhx_body, .CALENDAR-INDEX-2 .dhx_title { background-color: #dc8add; }",
"date": "2024-07-05",
"ending_hour": "18",
"hour_format": "%g:%i %a",
"prefer_browser_language": true,
"skin": "dhtmlxscheduler_flat.css",
"start_of_week": "su",
"starting_hour": "8",
"tab": "week",
"timezone": "Europe/London",
"title": "Office Rooms",
"url": [
<iframe class="open-web-calendar" id=""
style="background:url('/assets/img/circular-loader.gif') center center no-repeat; border-radius: 10px;"
sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-top-navigation"
allowTransparency="true" scrolling="no"
frameborder="0" height="600px" width="100%"></iframe>
Ovo je također korisno ako imaš više izvora kalendara – bilo da se radi o različitim mjestima, klubovima, aplikacijama ili organizacijama.
- sati
- registar
Jednodnevni prikaz događaja na mobitelu¶
Primjer jednodnevnog prikaza na Božić:
"controls": [
"css": ".dhx_cal_navline { display: none !important; height: 0 !important; }\n.dhx_cal_header { top: 0px !important; }\n.dhx_cal_data { top: 35px !important; }",
"date": "2024-12-24",
"hour_format": "%g:%i %a",
"prefer_browser_language": true,
"skin": "dhtmlxscheduler_flat.css",
"starting_hour": "9",
"tab": "day",
"tabs": [],
"timezone": "Europe/London",
"title": "Christmas Calendar",
"url": ""
<iframe class="open-web-calendar" id=""
style="background:url('/assets/img/circular-loader.gif') center center no-repeat; border-radius: 10px;"
sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-top-navigation"
allowTransparency="true" scrolling="no"
frameborder="0" height="600px" width="300px"></iframe>
- vrijeme početka i završetka
- fiksni datum
Recurring Events with Categories¶
If you are at home, planning the days with the family, events might have different categories depending on who they are for: work
or personal
. Events can be single events or occur every day.
"css": ".CATEGORY-work { background: #E3B024 !important; }\n.CATEGORY-personal { background: #73E324 !important; }\n.dhx_cal_navline, .dhx_scale_bar, .dhx_cal_container, .dhx_cal_header, .dhx_cal_scale_placeholder, .dhx_scale_holder, .dhx_scale_hour {background-color: #f9f06b;}.dhx_scale_holder_now, .dhx_now .dhx_month_head, .dhx_now .dhx_month_body { background-color: #f8e45c;}",
"date": "2024-04-08",
"ending_hour": "22",
"prefer_browser_language": true,
"specification_url": "",
"start_of_week": "work",
"starting_hour": "8",
"tab": "week",
"timezone": "Europe/London",
"title": "Family Planning",
"url": ""
<iframe class="open-web-calendar" id=""
style="background:url('/assets/img/circular-loader.gif') center center no-repeat; border-radius: 10px;"
sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-top-navigation"
allowTransparency="true" scrolling="no"
frameborder="0" height="600px" width="100%"></iframe>
- vrijeme početka i završetka
- fiksni datum
Hosting događaja kao skrivena Tor usluga¶
This calendar is not styled but contains events that can be hosted behind a firewall on a little anonymous server. Example
Odaberi vremenske zone¶
Za međunarodni kalendar možeš dozvoliti biranje vremenske zone u kojoj se događaji prikazuju.
"controls": [
"prefer_browser_language": true,
"skin": "dhtmlxscheduler_contrast_white.css",
"tab": "day",
"tabs": [
"title": "Timezone Example",
"url": ""
<iframe class="open-web-calendar" id="owcTimezoneExample"
style="background:url('/assets/img/circular-loader.gif') center center no-repeat; border-radius: 10px;"
sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-top-navigation"
allowTransparency="true" scrolling="no"
frameborder="0" height="600px" width="100%"></iframe>
This is HTML and JavaScript that allows changing a calendar URL specific to a timezone.
TODO: Choose the time zones that you want the viewer to choose:
<select id="timezoneOption"><option value="America/New_York">New York</option><option value="Europe/London">London</option><option value="Asia/Singapore">Singapore</option><option value="">My Local Time Zone</option></select>
// TODO: Set the iframe id:
var calendarIFrameID = "owcTimezoneExample";
var originalUrl; // the oririginal URL of the iframe
var calendarIFrame; // the stored iframe as a variable
// Save the original URL
function setInitialTimezone() {
calendarIFrame = document.getElementById(calendarIFrameID);
originalUrl = calendarIFrame.src;
// Change to the selected timezone
function changeTimezone() {
console.log("change timezone: " + timezoneOption.value);
calendarIFrame.src = originalUrl + (timezoneOption.value ? "timezone=" + timezoneOption.value : "");
console.log("url: " + calendarIFrame.src);
window.addEventListener("load", setInitialTimezone);
timezoneOption.onchange = changeTimezone;
- JavaScript
- vremenska zona
Slobodan i zaposlen¶
Promijeni dizajn ovisno o tome jesi li slobodan/na ili zaposlen/a.
Ovaj je kalendar promijenio CSS tako da je pozadina zelena, a događaji narančasti ili crveni.
"css": ".dhx_cal_event_clear.dhx_cal_event_line_start.dhx_cal_event_line_end.TRANSP-OPAQUE, .dhx_cal_event_line.dhx_cal_event_line_start.dhx_cal_event_line_end.TRANSP-OPAQUE { background-color: red; }\n.dhx_cal_event_clear.dhx_cal_event_line_start.dhx_cal_event_line_end.TRANSP-TRANSPARENT, .dhx_cal_event_line.dhx_cal_event_line_start.dhx_cal_event_line_end.TRANSP-TRANSPARENT { background-color: orange; }\n\n.event {\n height: 57px !important;\n transform: translate(0px, 4px);\n}\n.dhx_after .dhx_month_body, .dhx_month_body, .dhx_before .dhx_month_body {\n background-color: lightgreen;\n}\n\n.dhx_month_body:before {\n content: \"Free\";\n display: inline-block;\n transform: translateY(19px);\n}\n\n.dhx_cal_event_clear_date {\n display: none;\n}\n\n.dhx_cal_event_clear::before {\n display: none;\n}",
"prefer_browser_language": true,
"skin": "flat",
"tabs": [],
"url": ""
<iframe class="open-web-calendar" id=""
style="background:url('/assets/img/circular-loader.gif') center center no-repeat; border-radius: 10px;"
sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-top-navigation"
allowTransparency="true" scrolling="no"
frameborder="0" height="600px" width="100%"></iframe>
CalDAV Sign Up¶
The Open Web Calendar supports CalDAV for instant event synchronization. You can use it e.g. with Nextcloud.
In the example below, we used CalDAV to create event that you can sign up to. Once you sign up, you receive an email invitation and your name and email show up in the calendar.
"css": ".STATUS-TENTATIVE {--dhx-scheduler-event-background: #aaa;}",
"show_attendees": true,
"show_organizers": true,
"show_participant_role": true,
"show_participant_status": true,
"skin": "flat",
"style-event-status-confirmed": true,
"style-event-status-tentative": true,
"tabs": [
"title": "CalDAV sign up template",
"url": "fernet://gAAAAABn1uYHjkiJcey7cas_TRHyXBr0xDEP-R_IsM0jLw0PkMeGHlIgb-rZVHL7_RawixUpafG3JYgeIWpxM3GxvEgSITcXSGwTPZozB61mjwsKNYqdab-gWshwnDJp1iMFDjv8wPyCsWZwB5xpxBaotQ8WZvoZRyi0QUDt8le7G-2sBqvMt59WIL_HFbnIvR3QeZHjyBLWgxj0X0kgiiQ2pHnwIujDraJ2taX2_6VVGu8eXsOCo57XkkGUydR0rqJRVhj4Uow53lu2pfmGhIzOeU9jpqwYWYgWT_Y1ZeuCs6gvXfVBSrVzB3T_3ooZJAQzQIzLxDyV07NHh_d9xzxqoIrET05ApRLc6_cG_zAC-W0SA8Rex1JCyLJOBaD-aohWngeiaNrmMlWHnEdcVje_jNehgy7aDL8yfmR04vfwll_C878rgSU="
<iframe class="open-web-calendar" id=""
style="background:url('/assets/img/circular-loader.gif') center center no-repeat; border-radius: 10px;"
sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-top-navigation"
allowTransparency="true" scrolling="no"
frameborder="0" height="600px" width="100%"></iframe>
- Activate CalDAV Sign Up
- URL-Encryption
- Participants
Također pogledaj:
Doprinesi primjere!¶
Ako želiš dodati još jedan primjer ili prikazati svoj kalendar, ovo je mjesto za to. Kontaktiraj nas s poveznicom na kalendar, npr. u problemu.
Ako želiš, možeš urediti stranicu: