Preskoči na sadržaj


Pripremili smo niz različitih stilova koje možeš prilagoditi svojim potrebama. Za svaki stil možeš urediti kalendar i oblik kako ti odgovara. Ako si inspiriran/a također možeš početi s novim kalendarom.

Jesi li ponosan/na na svoj kalendar? Dijeli ga ovdje!

Višebrojni kalendari

Možeš ugraditi nekoliko kalendara u jedan prikaz. U ovom primjeru prikazujemo različite prostorije u jednom uredu.

  "css": ".CALENDAR-INDEX-0, .CALENDAR-INDEX-0 .dhx_body, .CALENDAR-INDEX-0 .dhx_title { background-color: #77767b; } .CALENDAR-INDEX-1, .CALENDAR-INDEX-1 .dhx_body, .CALENDAR-INDEX-1 .dhx_title  { background-color: #f9f06b; } .CALENDAR-INDEX-2, .CALENDAR-INDEX-2 .dhx_body, .CALENDAR-INDEX-2 .dhx_title  { background-color: #dc8add; }",
  "date": "2024-07-05",
  "ending_hour": "18",
  "hour_format": "%g:%i %a",
  "prefer_browser_language": true,
  "skin": "dhtmlxscheduler_flat.css",
  "start_of_week": "su",
  "starting_hour": "8",
  "tab": "week",
  "timezone": "Europe/London",
  "title": "Office Rooms",
  "url": [
<iframe class="open-web-calendar" id=""
style="background:url('/assets/img/circular-loader.gif') center center no-repeat; border-radius: 10px;"
sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-top-navigation"
allowTransparency="true" scrolling="no"
frameborder="0" height="600px" width="100%"></iframe>

Uredi kalendar

Ovo je također korisno ako imaš više izvora kalendara – bilo da se radi o različitim mjestima, klubovima, aplikacijama ili organizacijama.


  • CSS
  • sati
  • registar

Jednodnevni prikaz događaja na mobitelu

Primjer jednodnevnog prikaza na Božić:

  "controls": [
  "css": ".dhx_cal_navline { display: none !important; height: 0 !important; }\n.dhx_cal_header { top: 0px !important; }\n.dhx_cal_data { top: 35px !important; }",
  "date": "2024-12-24",
  "hour_format": "%g:%i %a",
  "prefer_browser_language": true,
  "skin": "dhtmlxscheduler_flat.css",
  "starting_hour": "9",
  "tab": "day",
  "tabs": [],
  "timezone": "Europe/London",
  "title": "Christmas Calendar",
  "url": ""
<iframe class="open-web-calendar" id=""
style="background:url('/assets/img/circular-loader.gif') center center no-repeat; border-radius: 10px;"
sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-top-navigation"
allowTransparency="true" scrolling="no"
frameborder="0" height="600px" width="300px"></iframe>

Uredi kalendar


  • vrijeme početka i završetka
  • fiksni datum
  • CSS

Recurring Events with Categories

If you are at home, planning the days with the family, events might have different categories depending on who they are for: work or personal. Events can be single events or occur every day.

  "css": ".CATEGORY-work { background: #E3B024 !important; }\n.CATEGORY-personal { background: #73E324 !important; }\n.dhx_cal_navline, .dhx_scale_bar, .dhx_cal_container, .dhx_cal_header, .dhx_cal_scale_placeholder, .dhx_scale_holder, .dhx_scale_hour {background-color: #f9f06b;}.dhx_scale_holder_now, .dhx_now .dhx_month_head, .dhx_now .dhx_month_body { background-color: #f8e45c;}",
  "date": "2024-04-08",
  "ending_hour": "22",
  "prefer_browser_language": true,
  "specification_url": "",
  "start_of_week": "work",
  "starting_hour": "8",
  "tab": "week",
  "timezone": "Europe/London",
  "title": "Family Planning",
  "url": ""
<iframe class="open-web-calendar" id=""
style="background:url('/assets/img/circular-loader.gif') center center no-repeat; border-radius: 10px;"
sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-top-navigation"
allowTransparency="true" scrolling="no"
frameborder="0" height="600px" width="100%"></iframe>

Edit the calendar


  • vrijeme početka i završetka
  • fiksni datum
  • CSS

Hosting događaja kao skrivena Tor usluga

This calendar is not styled but contains events that can be hosted behind a firewall on a little anonymous server. Example


Odaberi vremenske zone

Za međunarodni kalendar možeš dozvoliti biranje vremenske zone u kojoj se događaji prikazuju.

  "controls": [
  "prefer_browser_language": true,
  "skin": "dhtmlxscheduler_contrast_white.css",
  "tab": "day",
  "tabs": [
  "title": "Timezone Example",
  "url": ""
<iframe class="open-web-calendar" id="owcTimezoneExample"
style="background:url('/assets/img/circular-loader.gif') center center no-repeat; border-radius: 10px;"
sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-top-navigation"
allowTransparency="true" scrolling="no"
frameborder="0" height="600px" width="100%"></iframe>

  This is HTML and JavaScript that allows changing a calendar URL specific to a timezone.

  TODO: Choose the time zones that you want the viewer to choose:
<select id="timezoneOption"><option value="America/New_York">New York</option><option value="Europe/London">London</option><option value="Asia/Singapore">Singapore</option><option value="">My Local Time Zone</option></select>

  // TODO: Set the iframe id:
  var calendarIFrameID = "owcTimezoneExample";
  var originalUrl;  // the oririginal URL of the iframe
  var calendarIFrame; // the stored iframe as a variable

  // Save the original URL
  function setInitialTimezone() {
    calendarIFrame = document.getElementById(calendarIFrameID);
    originalUrl = calendarIFrame.src;

  // Change to the selected timezone
  function changeTimezone() {
    console.log("change timezone: " + timezoneOption.value);
    calendarIFrame.src = originalUrl + (timezoneOption.value ? "timezone=" + timezoneOption.value : "");
    console.log("url: " + calendarIFrame.src);

  window.addEventListener("load", setInitialTimezone);
  timezoneOption.onchange = changeTimezone;

Uredi kalendar


  • JavaScript
  • vremenska zona

Slobodan i zaposlen

Promijeni dizajn ovisno o tome jesi li slobodan/na ili zaposlen/a.

Ovaj je kalendar promijenio CSS tako da je pozadina zelena, a događaji narančasti ili crveni.

  "css": ".dhx_cal_event_line.dhx_cal_event_line_start.dhx_cal_event_line_end.TRANSP-OPAQUE { background-color: red;  }\n.dhx_cal_event_line.dhx_cal_event_line_start.dhx_cal_event_line_end.TRANSP-TRANSPARENT { background-color: orange; }\n\n.event {\n  height: 57px !important;\n  transform: translate(0px, 4px);\n}\n.dhx_after .dhx_month_body, .dhx_month_body, .dhx_before .dhx_month_body {\n  background-color: lightgreen;\n}\n\n.dhx_month_body:before {\n  content: \"Free\";\n  display: inline-block;\n  transform: translateY(19px);\n}",
  "prefer_browser_language": true,
  "language": "de",
  "skin": "flat",
  "tabs": [],
  "url": ""
<iframe class="open-web-calendar" id=""
style="background:url('/assets/img/circular-loader.gif') center center no-repeat; border-radius: 10px;"
sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-top-navigation"
allowTransparency="true" scrolling="no"
frameborder="0" height="600px" width="100%"></iframe>

Edit the calendar


  • CSS

Doprinesi primjere!

Ako želiš dodati još jedan primjer ili prikazati svoj kalendar, ovo je mjesto za to. Kontaktiraj nas s poveznicom na kalendar, npr. u problemu.

Ako želiš, možeš urediti stranicu:

  1. Stavi sve potrebne .ics datoteke u direktorij calendars.
  2. Preuzmi specifikaciju kalendara. I dodaj ju u direktorij templates.
  3. Edit this file and add a section.