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Self-Hosting & Deployment

You do not have to host the Open Web Calendar yourself but you are encouraged to. It is intended to work behind a company firewall, through a proxy and also without access to the Internet.

Several hosting options are already documented. We are grateful if you can add your favorite one, too.

  1. Kies een hostprovider. Zie de lijst hieronder.
  2. Lees meer over Configuratie.


You can create a fork of this repository which automatically deploys to Vercel:

Deploy with Vercel

Alternatively you can create a one off deploy by cloning this repository and running npx vercel at the root.


You can deploy the app using Heroku.

Deploy to Heroku

Heroku uses gunicorn to run the server, see the Procfile.


De Open Web Calendar is geïntegreerd in Cloudron.


De Open Web Calendar is beschikbaar als app voor YunoHost.

Install Open Web Calendar with YunoHost


If you run your own server, you can choose to run the Open Web Calender with Docker. Building, running and updating are documented here.

Python Package

You can choose to run the Open Web Calendar installed as a Python package from PyPI. To do this, have a look at the documentation.

Update Notificaties

If you wish to receive notifications about new updates of the software, watch the GitHub repository.

Repository, Watch, Custom, Releases

Further Configuration

After you have set up your own server, you can configure the behavior.